H2 Green plans renewable hydrogen network in Scottish Highlands

H2 Green has signed a memorandum of understanding with Scotland's Highland Council to develop a renewable hydrogen network in the region, parent company Getech said March 11.

H2 Green and the Highland Council plan to develop a network of green hydrogen production, storage and delivery infrastructure around hubs across the Highlands.

The parties will establish commercial agreements for hydrogen offtake, "underpinned by transport decarbonization initiatives," as well as offtake agreements for byproducts such as oxygen and heat, Getech said in a statement.

"At the core of this network is our first planned hydrogen hub with SGN Commercial Services located in Inverness, which will service large-volume customers," Getech CEO Jonathan Copus said. "We have already announced agreements with Eversholt Rail to accelerate the wide-scale deployment of their hydrogen-powered trains on the Far North and West Highland Lines of Scotland."

H2 Green and the Highland Council are negotiating the terms of a joint venture agreement to deliver the plans. The Highland Council has granted H2 Green six months of exclusivity, Getech said.

H2 Green plans to develop a network of localized hydrogen supply, storage and distribution hubs in the UK. The company has an exclusive option to redevelop redundant gas infrastructure assets owned by SGN Commercial Services in Scotland and southern England for hydrogen distribution around the UK.

H2 Green is also planning to develop a renewable energy hub at the port of Shoreham on the south coast of the UK, including hydrogen, ammonia production, new onshore wind and solar generation, to decarbonize port operations.

S&P Global Commodity Insights assessed the cost of producing hydrogen via alkaline electrolysis in the UK (including capex) at GBP14.07/kg ($18.37/kg) March 10, based on month-ahead grid power prices. PEM electrolysis production was assessed at GBP16.65/kg while blue hydrogen production by autothermal reforming was at GBP6.35/kg (including capex, CCS and carbon).


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